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The Reality of Climate ChangeViews: 163
Jan 19, 2010 10:25 pm re: re: The Reality of Climate Change - Discipline in this network

John Stephen Veitch
Hello Thomas Holford Esquire,

When I read your posts attacking other people I often end up rolling on the floor laughing.

The only person on this network who is consistently egotistical is THOMAS HOLFORD.

I didn't understand what a sophist was until I met one, and that person was THOMAS HOLFORD.

THOMAS HOLFORD is very keen to tell other people where they get off, but he consistently projects, the faults he finds in others are in fact the true reflection of THOMAS HOLFORD.

I can't imagine that I would call anybody narcissistic, but THOMAS HOLFORD might be the exception.

On the 19th November THOMAS HOLFORD wrote:
"Albert Arnold Gore, Jr., scion of the segregationist Senator, Albert Arnold Gore, Sr. (who himself was a protege of Soviet agent of influence Armand Hammer), Academy Award Winning documentary film producer, Nobel Peace Prize winner, ethically challenged political fundraiser, and Vice President in the corrupt administration of impeached president William Jefferson Clinton, got a grade of "C" in the only science course he took while an undergraduate student at Harvard. After Harvard, Gore attended Vanderbilt University Divinity School, but eventually dropped out.

I would say that Al Gore, the Ayatollah of Human Caused Global, really has no credible training in climate science, or any other science for that matter."

In my estimation, the person who wrote that is slightly insane, obsessed by Al Gore in a way that makes no rational sense.

In the same long post THOMAS HOLFORD, declares that he knows the truth. To quote:

"Now, for the REAL science:

+ The earth's climate has been cooling for the last twenty years.

+ The "hockey stick chart" has been thoroughly debunked and discredited."

Now that is exactly what a sophist (according to modern definition) does. Takes an argument with little or no validity and declares it to be a universal law. As I said, there are many examples of THOMAS HOLFORD being a sophist.

In a Nutshell, THOMAS HOLFORD on 23rd September, demonstrated both sophism and projection, as he describes himself here:
"In a nutshell, Leftists are solipsists and believe that there is no external objective reality, only the reality they perceive inside of their heads. By definition, they are the smartest intelligence in the universe. The Leftist is his own God."

I think that's 100% correct THOMAS, except that sophist that you are it's YOU who has those qualities.

John Stephen Veitch; The Network Ambassador
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