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Global Warming - Dimming the SunViews: 166
Jan 24, 2010 6:36 pm re: re: Global Warming - Dimming the Sun

Thomas Holford
James Booth sayeth:

> As I have previously stated, we need good data, unadulterated science, from which we can make rational determinations of what IS happening, and then what we might do about it; therefore, half-baked schemes which further modify our atmosphere when we do not even yet know the long term effects of human "every day" action are dangerous.

> As was said earlier, "... if they get it wrong, an entire planet is screwed: roasted, frozen, asphyxiated, poisoned, starved, whatever."

> No "computer model" yet exists which takes into account all the variables which affect - determine - our weather and the condition of our atmosphere.

> Science which improves computer models by discovering variables which must be included is required, and that science must be allowed to do its work free of political agendas and financial manipulations.

> Attempting to review "current science" which has been falsified, whether knowingly or not, is of little use to any of us, and is a waste of time for which some individuals will just give up even trying to understand the situation, much less do anything about it.

> Headlines and other "communications" which are blatantly untrue, intending to mislead the public in regard to something on which our survival hinges, should perhaps be considered criminal activity.

> Misleading the public about something so serious "inadvertently" - by those who pretend to know something - might well lead to their dismissal as a "credible source" of vital information.

I generally agree with all of this. But I think you have sidestepped some large issues.

How do you propose to deal with powerful and influential charlatans who either don't understand the scientific reality, or do undertstand it and purposely ignore it in order to gain wealth, influence, prestige, or any other human gratification?

Exhibit A: Al Gore

1. He was a C student in the only science course he took at Harvard.

2. His graduate study was in divinity school, which he did not complete.

3. He was ethics challenged as a Vice President, caught up in notorius fund-raising scandals.

4. He has written books making alarming and apocalyptic predictions of the future which have not proven to be accurate.

5. As Vice President and a powerful voice in the Clinton Administration, he installed his protege, Carol Browner (a lawyer) as head of the EPA, and she directed BILLIONS of taxpayer dollars to "study climate change" (i.e. to PROVE that human caused global warming is true.) And in the process, the EPA DENIED research funding to scientists who DID NOT endorse the theory of human caused global warming. And the EPA's mammoth body of one-side research resulted in many, many competent, ethical, and reputable scientists being marginalized and discredited for being "skeptics", "deniers", and "in the pay of the oil companies."

6. As an independent investor, he has participated in the creation of a company that profits from trading "carbon credits".

7. He has strongly advocated the creation of "cap and trade" treaties among governments which would force them to use his carbon credit trading and put profits in his pocket.

8. He has authored documentaries and PowerPoint presentations which are shown in schools and which contain serious and widely criticized errors of scientific fact.

So, WHAT DO YOU DO about Al Gore and the others like him, who are spreading misinformation AND profiting from their activities?

Do you ignore them?

Do you privately disagree with them?

Do you publicly criticize them?

Do you condemn them in the loudest and most strident manner?

Do you make "ad hominem" attacks and hold them up to public ridicule?


T Holford

Private Reply to Thomas Holford (new win)

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