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Global Warming - Dimming the SunViews: 170
Jan 24, 2010 8:07 pm re: re: Global Warming - Dimming the Sun

James Booth
Excellent question.

I know most of that eight-point description of Mr. Gore to be true
- a fact or two I have not personally verified.

Most of us do not have the "financial clout" to counter the likes of Gore's campaign ...

... and I submit he was not successful in amassing his "financial clout" single-handedly.

There is much more to that "campaign" than just Albert Arnold "Al" Gore, Jr. alone.

He is a front man, Mr. Gore is, and very good at what he does.

"So, WHAT DO YOU DO about Al Gore and the others like him ..."

Elements of my answer might be found in my previous post:

First, we have to stop attacking each other, which is what we s'pose ta do according to the agenda of those behind the "global warming campaign" - and make no mistake, they have invested many millions of dollars crafting language which keeps us arguing with each other about what is really going on, along with millions more to buy off scientists hungry for funding and unethical enough to allow their "research" to be hijacked for political purposes (and who among us is so pure we might not fall into the same trap).

Second, turning off television and radio and making sure we have time to actually think independently is a huge step toward saving ourselves, the alternative being that we remain "stuck on stupid" from ingesting propaganda designed to "mold " our opinion to someone else's ends.

Cutting out the "media blitz" also helps restore our sensitivity to each other, and reawaken to the fact that we all have the same stake in this matter of "climate change" - even the likes of Mr. Gore, who I do not believe has yet found another viable planet to live on, or an alternate means to breath polluted air, although he may easily distill his own water.

We have to be able to think clearly, without all the noise blasted at us from "media" intended to make us fearful of what "might" happen, and thus *react* in some fit of panic rather than act independently and purposefully.

An extension of that is that we have to educate our own children properly, and if that means taking them out of schools which "instill" propaganda instead of *science* and *knowledge* - so be it.

Third, when we talk with each other about matters as serious as this one, we need to remain civil and even, acting as educators rather than "enforcers."

Learn as much as possible and be willing to share it, regardless the "feedback" - and part of that is being very clear in word usage, explaining as necessary, and not being afraid to explain, what you mean when you use terminology and not assuming another person is "on the same page" when using words "handed down" through media which are designed to be vague and misleading.

The more knowledgeable we are individually, the better able we are to recognize manipulations of data and other misleading or totally false "information" so we each have to do our own "homework" and not rely on some "commentator" to fill us in with "infotainment."

Fourth, "Headlines ... intending to mislead the public ... should perhaps be considered criminal activity."

That might seem a bit strong, but when the public is being misled about something so critical to human survival, is it ?

At least we have to find the courage to object to lies and distortions, call out those who broadcast such manipulation, boycott their "services" or sue them - whatever it takes to stop their abuse.

We may not have the *finances* to counter such a campaign as Al Gore fronts, but that does not mean we can do nothing.

We may not, as a citizenry, mobilize enough individuals to be aware they are being misled, manipulated, cornered, but nothing prevents us from doing such as I have already listed here, working diligently to save ourselves, and by setting a good example, encouraging others to follow us, to follow our example, since we show "it can be done."

There are no guarantees in this life, but one thing is sure: the way things are tomorrow will not be the way things are today.

The question is, how do you and I today influence what things will be like tomorrow ?

By educating ourselves, helping other people to be better-informed, as well-informed as possible, and by standing firm in that knowledge, not allowing ourselves to be caught in some muck left to imprison us.

Once educated about climate, atmosphere, weather, environment, etc., it is up to each of us to act on that knowledge, which does not mean we must enter some hermitage, but it does mean that once we have identified our own role as "changers" of environment, then we have to change our ways of doing what we do so as to reduce our individual "impact" as much as possible.

Again, such responsible living comes through what we are taught as children, how we are raised as children, and if our "public school system" works against us as a "public indoctrination system" then we need to exercise our responsibility by educating our own children at home if necessary.

If we want our children to survive, and their children, what good is there in allowing their minds to be bogged down in some political morass they cannot comprehend ?


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