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Economic IssuesViews: 138
Feb 20, 2010 8:57 am re: Economic Issues

James Booth
"We are on the verge of something new ..."

We absolutely are.

> time - no real change but in how we use time

> money - as it accumulates at the "top"

> security - how to measure on a personal level, relative to what ?

> knowledge - depends on personal initiative
+ or -

> and prestige - how to measure on any level ?


Our current "system" involves "cyclical consumption" and "taxation"

- both of which require the average person to have "income"

(I still maintain that a "paycheck" is not entirely "income"
... but that leads to other discussions.)

Most individuals require "job" to have income.

Automation replaces "jobs"

The capitalist system as it exists requires "consumption" (more sales) for profits

... and requires "automation" (less overhead) for profits.

Something has to give.

The current system cannot be "fixed"

The current system must be replaced.


Natural distribution systems worked well thousands of years ago, "ordering" behaviour within communities
- rewarding or discouraging certain activities as "god-king" shepherded the people.

When city-states began trading "at distance" caravaneers realized they could manipulate "letters of credit"

The more they were trusted, the easier for them to create additional "bills of credit" backed by nothing and trade them as if they were backed by assets stored "somewhere"

Coinage (iron, copper, silver, gold) became wealth and the power of coinage replace "god-king" as ruler.

Since then, for the last 5-6,000 years and longer, "natural rule" has been usurped by a "hidden" class of "international bankers" which subverts natural distribution of goods and services within "city-state" and poses "city-state" against "city-state" in a never-ending cycle of pillage and plunder, in which "international banker" always has a "cut" no matter who lives or dies.

The pillage of "precious metal" stores from "city-state" is little more than the frequent draining of all "creative effort" (blood, sweat and tears) of any population, for the benefit of "someone else" with always a percentage going to the "international banker"

Now that the power of corruption has reached a global scale, it essentially requires another planet to continue to grow, so even that "tapeworm" has to somehow change if it is to survive.

Yes, "We are on the verge of something new ..."

... and "We are the ones we have been waiting for."


Private Reply to James Booth (new win)

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