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Economic IssuesViews: 154
Feb 20, 2010 9:28 pm re: re: re: Economic Issues - it's rarely about the money, but when it is, it is only about money

James Booth
I am happy to pursue this elsewhere, with anyone who is willing.

What got me going was the "it's rarely about the money, but when it is, it is only about money" part.

As was said above, "almost all of us are in money based economies"

... and it seems to me the challenge is to break the "vice grip" hold *money* has over us.

We worship "coin" and fiat currency as "promise to pay" thinking we are accumulating gold, or silver, or such as we cannot eat, or plant, breathe or drink.

All the while, coin and currency is manipulated "above and beyond" whatever "government" we create so that a portion of whatever we earn or create is always taken from us in ways we often do not even detect.

The appeal of "money" as default means of exchange, while ignoring those other currencies, is rooted in the "rules we have to play by" as long as we allow "government" to monopolize our transactions with each other

... which leads us all to the question posed:

"... how do we enjoy all this innovation when it's about the money, and only about the money?"

Perhaps it is just me who is only now realizing how deeply rooted is the system of "monetary creation and emission" - how long that system has overridden the intentions and purposes of peoples and governments around the world.

It does not matter, in my opinion, "who" is responsible for such a system, who imposes it and maintains it.

The end result is the same for all of us, regardless whether capitalist or communist and whatever "ist" or "ism": that as long as that system continues to drain wealth from our local communities we are slaves to it - wittingly, willingly, or not.

How do we free ourselves FROM that slavery to transact freely ?


Private Reply to James Booth (new win)

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