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Economic IssuesViews: 151
Feb 23, 2010 6:42 am re: re: re: re: Economic Issues - evolution of work concept?

Ken Hilving
So initially work was life. Don't work, don't eat, and it had nothing to do with money. Hunter/gatherers need to hunt and gather.

Fast forward a bit and we got to specialization and barter. You hunt for me and I will turn your bear teeth into a nifty necklace.

Moving forward and we got trade. Somebody is swapping something for bear teeth one place, and later swapping those bear teeth for something else. Once those teeth get made into a necklace, they're swapping that and yet another place. The middleman evolves and then goes mobile.

Dragging all those products around got old. Meat spoiled, helpers drank the beer, and at one place we didn't have anything anyone would trade for. Money fixed that.

Finally we get to industrialization. Now its work for money, and money for everything else.

In less than 10 generations, we have hit a point where work for money isn't valid because no one needs the work. Production is up, quality is up, but now no one can swap their money for it. Necessary jobs continue to shrink, and make work jobs are just a step away from being automated.

What if we did away with the work for money concept, and went to a money for living concept? Automation continues along, getting better. Money, always an illusion, keeps production going and allows individuals to still choose.

Think Monopoly, with $200 for passing GO. We can adjust the amount, change its symbol, and instead of GO we could put "money" into individual accounts based on day of the month, or birthdays, or some other cycle.

Keep a lid on it through automatic deposit. No inheritance - you die and your account goes to 0.

What about innovation, creativity, and new products? What about production improvements? Seems to me I have heard enough people talk about enjoying what they were doing enough to pay for the privilege that there will be no shortage of people choosing to "work". Except it won't be work, it will be passion.

Mom was like that taking care of the house and kids. Dad was like that working on the car and tinkering in the basement.

Private Reply to Ken Hilving (new win)

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