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The Reality of Climate ChangeViews: 133
Jan 22, 2010 5:31 am re: re: re: re: re: The Reality of Climate Change - Discipline in this network
abbeboulah Thank you, Mr. Holford, for making my point, inadvertent as it may be. The assertion that in some places the effects of human action are getting cleaned up seems to support the claim that they happened in the first place, doesn’t it? And for some of these items, I have first hand experience with them (air pollution, water pollution, glaciers melting -- the ones I’ve seen are in the Alps, though, and old Ötzi the Ice man would still be hidden in that glacier if it hadn’t been melting. But of course none of them qualify as conclusive evidence.

The fact that some of the remedial measures urged by those EVIL environmentalists now allow you to claim that the air is improving, (in some places but not in, say, China, as visitors to the Olympic Games have reported) while others were counterproductive and ill-advised, support both the suspicion that they were human caused, and my urging that we discuss what to do about them. I acknowledge that I cannot currently come to a definitive conclusion whether human activities such as these also contribute to global warming. So while maintaining due skepticism with regard to activist reports whether they come from this side or the other (especially when they are propounded with denunciations of the reporters as evil and stupid etc. -- I become suspicious when the arguments cannot stand on their substance but seem to need invectives to become conclusive), I remain open to the possibility. But in my opinion, the discussion should be about what we ought to do about these things -- and the environmental as well as economic and political impacts are so closely interrelated that they are difficult to separate: Even if global warming isn’t happening, or if it is happening but independently of human action (both arguments are put forth here, strangely enough) there is arguably a need to do some things for enough other reasons, that also might have some relationship to climate change.

I apologize for again suggesting that the question of this thread is not only one about which participants seem to have unshakeable predetermined positions, and that cannot be settled by the means at our disposal (the continued barrage of url - ing opposing quotes of authorities at each other seems to prove this) but is also the ‘wrong question’. (Yes, never believe any of those activist reports -- but dont you believe Abbé Boulah!??) Perhaps you should throw me off this thread for changing the subject, John.

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