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The Death of Global WarmingViews: 139
Feb 17, 2010 9:46 am re: re: re: re: re: re: The Death of Global Warming

John Stephen Veitch
The nonsense title of this thread, is an effort to set aside reality and to keep America backward and poor. If that was the only result I'd say "well deserved".

Sadly since the USA is massively to major contributor to man made global warming, the effects don't stop there.

Some good things have come our of the recent fiasco at Copenhagen, and the attempt by the back to the past crowd to deny reality, by misrepresenting the facts.

The scientists have been forced to get a lot more organised in how they present what they know. There's a key problem, with the science. Global warming is such a complex topic there is NOBODY, who's an expert.

Dr Phil Jones, is a case in point. He's one of the leading experts, but when he was asked some pretty simple looking questions by a reporter, Jones was unable to answer very clearly. The reason was simple enough, Jones's own research doesn't answer that question, AND Jones is not familiar with all the literature.

Moreover, there is research in the pipeline that fully confirms not only global warming, but continued global warming up to the present. The data I'm talking about regards sea temperature. The data series confirmed at present ends at 2003, but efforts are being made to extend this data.

What is obvious from the report I read, was that the air, global ice caps, the surface ocean, and the deep ocean all respond as heat sinks for changes in the amount of HEAT the earth's surface is holding. That store of HEAT is the certain evidence of Global Warming.

So the change in the air temperature is most variable, ice melts or accumulates and is less variable, the surface sea temperature changes slowly and the deep sea temperature very slowly. It appears that rising sea level is the best evidence of global warming.

The idea that any group of scientists might be able to falsify the record is rendered totally foolish when one understands how many different sets of expertise are needed to prove global warming. That's one reason why there can be legitimate debate about the evidence. That's good and completely valid.

Sadly much of what's been said in the debate on this site in the last few months isn't valid, is based on malicious evidence and lies and is best ignored.

Here are some articles if you are interested.

“The last 10 years are the warmest 10-year period of the modern record,” said NOAA climate monitoring chief Deke Arndt. “Even if you analyze the trend during that 10 years, the trend is actually positive, which means warming.”

“Sorry deniers, hockey stick gets longer, stronger: Earth hotter now than in past 2,000 years”

Here in New Zealand Rodney Hide, leader of the Act Party gave a speech in parliament that raised almost all of the frivolous arguments raised by Ron Sam and Thomas Holford here. A NZ blogger asks, "How far can a Minister of the Crown go in misrepresenting the facts of a matter before he is guilty of misleading the House?"


The government scientists here in NZ at NIWA, would be most upset to have their honesty questioned.

There is work to do.
FIRST seek to understand.
Then make plans and get on with the job.

John Stephen Veitch; The Network Ambassador
Open Future Limited - http://www.openfuture.co.nz/
Innovation Network - http://veech-network.ryze.com/
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