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The Death of Global WarmingViews: 131
Feb 18, 2010 10:49 pm re: re: The Death of Global Warming

James Booth
"The Golden Rule is an ethical code that states one has a right to just treatment,
and a responsibility to ensure justice for others. It is also called the ethic of

It is ignored for the following reasons:

These obstacles to living by the golden rule are sometimes cited:

1. * People dispute the meaning of the golden rule
2. * Ego involvement
3. * treating jerks as they deserve to be treated
4. * self defense
5. * punishing enemies
6. * needing to win and defeat rivals
7. * oppression makes compassion difficult
8. * People may become disappointed or resentful if they are not treated as well
in return as they perceive they have treated others
9. * People may expect to be treated as "well" as they treat others"

If I may ...

Recently in PS we had a conversation about The Golden Rule.

I must ask here: Where is it "stated" that ...

"one has a right to just treatment, and a responsibility to ensure justice for others"

No such *right* exists of which I am aware.

There is indeed *reciprocity* whether or not it exists as an "ethic".

One does have a *responsibility* to be just, and merciful, to "others"
... but there is no *requirement* to act in such way.

Either one does or does not - and it is at that point where *reciprocity* kicks in.

Just a simple law of nature, sometimes called Karma, among other things.

Just the way it is.

The Golden Rule is an opportunity to set an example for other people, and if it is a good example, those who like the example may choose to follow it.

Not all will like it; not all who like it will follow it.

Not a problem.

The only *obstacle* to "living by The Golden Rule" is in one's own head.

As Ken said there, living by The Golden Rule ...

"... does not insure that anyone will treat me any better.
The only person whose actions I control is me."

I agree(d), and add:

"Unless you can be seen holding to the higher standard as a *matter of practice*
(what you usually do), then I think it unreasonable to expect that anyone will
"look up" to your "example" when all you are demonstrating is that "giving no
better than you get" is the way you intend to live."


Private Reply to James Booth (new win)

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