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Economic IssuesViews: 137
Feb 20, 2010 5:32 am re: Economic Issues - it's rarely about the money, but when it is, it is only about money

Ken Hilving
Charlie Rose had a panel discussion about the current US economic issues of debt and deficit. One of his guests commented that the ability to grow the economy was key.

The same rules apply everywhere - economic growth is the engine of money based economies, and almost all of us are in money based economies. Economic growth is measured in jobs created, for which people trade their time for money, so that they can trade their money for goods and services, so that people have jobs producing goods and services.

Meanwhile, all of our advances in productivity and in technology have a consistent long term result of reducing jobs...

And Moore's Law goes merrily along, applying not just to computers but to everything touched by technology. Better, faster, cheaper. Obsoleteness must be planned, because otherwise our goods could easily outlive our grandchildren's grandchildren.

I don't want to return to the bad old days of working dawn to dusk on the edge of survival. I don't want to give up the wonders of modern life, and don't want to deny them to anyone else in the world.

So how do we enjoy all this innovation when it's about the money, and only about the money??

Private Reply to Ken Hilving (new win)

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