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Economic IssuesViews: 146
Feb 20, 2010 5:16 pm re: re: Economic Issues - it's rarely about the money, but when it is, it is only about money

James Booth
My response to a private message seems more appropriate here where a diversity of comment may proceed ...

Seems odd, I suppose, to anyone who knows me, that I would seem to be promoting "monarchy" or "kingship"

- a rather large "bone" I am struggling with in my studies right now to be sure.

There are, and always will be, "bad men" among us, but ...

In earlier times there was a natural order of "things" in which "God" (however defined by a local group) was in some "heaven" under which "king" or "pharoah" was "embodiment" and through which a dedicated "priesthood" served "the people" of a tribe or village or burgeoning "city-state"

... and in that way, whatever "produce" the "god(s)" supplied to a community (including locusts, sufficient but not excessive rainfall, not too cold and not too hot, etc.), assuming the *human* ruler (intermediary) was indeed beneficent, as most had to be to survive at all and to continue to occupy some "throne" from which was distributed "the fruits of the earth" (that same produce), all was as well as could be.

With "coinage" however, the priesthood were easily convinced that they, too, could accumulate "wealth" and so were thus corrupted first (U. S. parallel today is any president's Cabinet).

Once corrupted, the advice of the "priesthood" to the natural leader began to change, no longer favouring the *health* of the people who allowed the ruler to sit upon the throne.

The health of The People (with coins in their pockets now elevated to "kingly status") began to slip from any control borne of a natural leader, whose own obsession with accumulating "precious wealth" became even more corrupt than the priesthood.

Agitation among The People when dissatisfied with a year's "harvest" could then be, and was, and is, directed toward a competing city-state (usually one which has amassed a great store of "wealth"), thus reducing the power of the "god(s)"

... and thus was "civilization" moved from a natural competition for "resources" to a now millenias-old state of constant war.

Egos of kings or presidents are massaged in the process, to be sure ...

... but no king or president sits long in power over any state without approval of those who finance such "leaders"

- nor have they for thousands of years.

Strong or weak as individuals, kings and presidents can easily be replaced if they "go their own way"

Leaders may survive for a time as long as they will deliver the message to "war" when called upon to do so.

It was suggested that I am presenting an "us against them" scenario

... and I apologize if any of this is read in such way.

In the natural world, the body is born to live.

It is not hatred of the leech, or the mosquito, or the tapeworm, for which one removes the offending organism.

It is the Will to Live for which the draining of one's Life Force is naturally minimized as much as possible.


Private Reply to James Booth (new win)

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