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Economic IssuesViews: 144
Feb 21, 2010 1:44 pm re: Economic Issues

James Booth
As elsewhere, once again here there is an "elephant in the room".

The elephant stands on your, or another person's foot; the elephant waters the mistresses furniture and causes a stink; the elephant's trunk in my pants causes me excitement I dare not allow.

Each of us has separate and distinct complaints against the "power" of the elephant.

Disregarding that power makes our efforts unworkable.

Money itself is not to blame and ought to be one of those currencies we use rather than accept a "return to the bad old days".

That our "economy" IS "money based" - as presented in the opening statements of this thread - is not OUR choice, is not any accident, and is not something we can so easily, after five or six or more thousand years of practice, simply "do away with".

That our economy is "money based" - when we do look at the origins of that system which has long been imposed on all nations - is a design which "taxes" our blood, sweat and tears in ways most of us today do not even suspect.

We have talked elsewhere about the imposition of *debt* on simple peoples, aimed at depriving them of their birthright - their own lands - as legal thievery, and it is no different for us, beholden to corporation or political party, "voluntarily" paying "income" tax on what we receive in *exchange* as if our paychecks were, as according to the IRS, all INCOME

... which is a refutation of those same "currencies" so often mentioned, of which we all have Right to share freely with each other, without paying *tribute* to some force beyond our control, and beyond the control of any legitimate government we choose to form.

Yes, again, I quite agree, "We are on the verge of something new ..."

... and in that way we do not have to "tear down" anything, but we do have to take full account of "what is in the room" in order to decide what must be done.

A leech or mosquito or tapeworm is, as part of Creation, able to survive on its own; or if it does not survive due to our unwillingness to nourish such creatures, and that our lives are improved and lengthened by not feeding them, is not any discredit to us as individual living beings.

Money issued by government, borrowed as it is from the Money Power, is NOT our ONLY means of transacting with each other, and if our freedom to transact with each other is inhibited by use of the medium created and issued, or withheld, by Money Power, then our course is to make use of other "currencies" available to us, and we have no records to show how much trade there is "under the table" or through open exchange such as barter or the use of Time Dollars, Social Credit, and the like, because those of us who encourage use of our "other" currencies do not report our transactions to any private agency which disguises itself as part of our elected government.

I believe we can evolve rather than revolt easily enough, but to "improve rather than replace" - when the current usurious system drains our "wealth" (not just silver and gold, but blood, sweat and tears) at every turn - is not possible.

We must learn to employ ourselves: ask a neighbour to provide such service as he is skilled and able to do in exchange for what we can offer from our own "currencies"

... and stop sending a portion of our "earnings" or anything else we have "offshore" to some counting house which provides us, and our community, nothing in return.

There are ideas and "movements" underway to change how our produce is distributed, and to that end we must begin again, to the greatest degree we are able, to produce what we now depend on others to provide.

We can finance our own projects within our own communities, support local business, make sure our local citizenry is as healthy as possible and ready as possible to individually contribute to the "domestic product" of our own town or city, county or state.


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